5 Tips on Choosing Aquarium Fish Food for New Owners
As a new aquarium fish owner, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the amount and types of fish food on the market. But, a good pet owner doesn’t simply pick the first, or least expensive, fish food they find and consider that a job well done. It’s important to do the research necessary to find the perfect aquarium fish food for your tank!
If you’re in the market for fish food but aren’t sure exactly what to consider, keep reading! We’re going to unlock the 6 top tips for feeding aquarium fish.
1. Consider Your Aquarium
The first thing you need to do is take a look at your aquarium. What kind of fish do you have? Not only is it important to determine what the makeup of your fish’s food should be, but also how you should deliver the food to them.
Some fish are bottom feeders, so the flakes that stick to the top and middle levels of your tank won’t get to them before completely degrading. For this reason, you’ll need to find sinking pellets and wafers to feed bottom-feeding fish.
Also, your food requirements will vary depending on the species and age of your fish. Younger fish need more protein and carnivorous fish don’t need greens. Nocturnal fish need special considerations as well.
2. Look at the Label
The most important part of choosing a fish food is to look at the nutritional content. In any fish diet, protein is the most important nutrient. Too much can cause an issue but too little can lead to sickly fish.
The best protein to feed your fish comes from other fish. Remember that nutrition labels have to list ingredients in order of quantity, so the first few things on the label are the most prominent in the recipe.
Fish don’t need many carbs, so avoid any food that has grain listed as the first ingredient.
3. Consider Live Food
If you have larger, carnivorous fish, you might consider feeding them live on occasion. Some popular options for feeding fish live are brine shrimp, feeder fish, and worms.
4. Don’t Overstock
When purchasing your dry or frozen food, you mustn’t overstock your shelves. It doesn’t take long for fish flakes to lose their nutritional value and these foods shouldn’t be considered shelf-stable. When purchasing food for your fish, try not to buy more than what your fish will eat in a month.
5. Size Matters
Lastly, you’ll want to think about the size of your fish when considering what food to purchase. Larger fish have larger mouths and will feel more satisfied when they have larger pellets, flakes, or live food to munch on.
Pick the Best Aquarium Fish Food for Your Tank
To allow your fish to live their most enriched lives, you have to pick out the best aquarium fish food for their individual needs. Don’t simply buy the first food you come across, do your research to figure out what’s best for your species of fish and go from there!
For more information about how you can live your most enriched life, keep reading!