The Movement to Accessibility – accessiBe
The world is becoming more and more in tune with the issues that millions of people are facing. For example, a growing number of people are now being recognised as disabled, whether physically or mentally, and steps are being taken to help these ones and make their lives that bit easier if possible. Compared to 50 years ago, how many buildings do we see with ramps at the entrance? Or how about the slopes on and off the sidewalks? Disabled toilets with wheelchair access and more space for manoeuvrability? These are all big steps in the right direction that have made big changes to the lives of those with disabilities.
But as we are all very well aware, the world has moved online. We can find out any information, buy any product, or find any place with the click of a button all from the comfort of our own homes. While many of us have taken this for granted for a number of years, there have been many obstacles for disabled people to navigate when using the internet. That is why companies like accessiBe are so important in our modern age.
It may seem strange to think of a website having to be accessible but as stated, there are many obstacles for a person with a disability. So, while it is now a legal requirement to make websites accessible, surely it is something we want to do anyway. And thanks to the technology now available, this is a lot easier to do than you’d think. There is software that will do the work for you. Not only that, while you may think it’s a lot of time and expense without any benefits to you or your company, research has shown that the more accessible a site is, the more popular they are, which means higher sales for your business.
Disabilities come in all different forms, so just as a person in a wheelchair will appreciate the slope on and off the sidewalk, whereas the blind person will appreciate the beeping at the lights to let you know it is safe to cross the street, acknowledging the different accessibility issues people can face and having them all addressed will be better for business, will keep in line with legal requirements, but most importantly, it is the right thing to do and will make the lives of others that bit easier.